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DAX 30 - waves analysis

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DAX 30 - waves analysis  Empty DAX 30 - waves analysis

Post by Evgenia Gencheva Mon Oct 03, 2016 2:41 am

The market is changing very dynamically. When a winning strategy becomes widely used, at a time stops working as profitable. According to me the hopes for market crash are unreal. DAX corrections are usualy arround 4000 pips, in this case, the correction 12400 - 8700 is enough. If we have reversal of the trend, many, high support points must be tested.

Here on this pic is illustrated full market cycle.

DAX 30 - waves analysis  Forex_54

According to the DAX monthly chart, this cycle is completed, completed corrective wave ABC.

DAX 30 - waves analysis  Forex_31
Evgenia Gencheva
Evgenia Gencheva

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Join date : 2016-09-02
Age : 40
Location : Milan, Italy

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DAX 30 - waves analysis  Empty Re: DAX 30 - waves analysis

Post by Evgenia Gencheva Sun Oct 16, 2016 7:30 pm

Evgenia Gencheva
Evgenia Gencheva

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Age : 40
Location : Milan, Italy

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DAX 30 - waves analysis  Empty Re: DAX 30 - waves analysis

Post by Evgenia Gencheva Tue Oct 18, 2016 8:03 pm

For tomorrow we'll see test support to 10600 level, after that, I expect top of moving wave 5 - 10730 to be reached.

DAX 30 - waves analysis  Forex143
Evgenia Gencheva
Evgenia Gencheva

Posts : 153
Join date : 2016-09-02
Age : 40
Location : Milan, Italy

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DAX 30 - waves analysis  Empty Re: DAX 30 - waves analysis

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